In his clear and illustrative style, he uses the Word of God to explain the authority that belongs to every believer. Believers must be aware of this all the time for them to exercise the victory Jesus has won for them. We are seated in heavenly places far above principality and powers. Popular video sections on Godtube include Christian bands and singers in Christian music videos, Christian comedians and comedy skits, spoofs and parodies. The publishing outreach he founded, Faith Library Publications, has circulated worldwide more than 65 million copies of books by Rev. Hagin highlighted the authority a believer has been given by God. Hagin The Believers Authority Part1 on the largest video sharing platform offering online Christian videos with faith-based, family friendly content. They will know what is theirs, and they will do the work that God intended they should do." During the past 30 year, over a million readers have been blessed by this classic faith-building message by Rev. Believers Have Authority Do we have authority that we dont know about, that we havent discovered, that were not using As a young preacher, Rev. The Believers Authority by Kenneth Hagin explores the power and significance of spiritual authority for believers. In our all-time best seller, The Believer's Authority, Rev. Hagin published the first issues of The Word of Faith magazine, which now has a monthly circulation of more than 300,000. A few of us have barely gotten to the edge of that authority, but before Jesus comes again, there's going to be a whole company of believers who will rise up with the authority that is theirs. He studied the subject and concluded the following: "We as a Church have authority on the earth that we've never yet realized. Believers Have Authority! Do we have authority that we don't know about, that we haven't discovered, that we're not using? As a young preacher, Rev.